If marriage were an adventure, its beginning would be marked by the celebration of the engagement ring with the main symbol being the ring offered by the groom to his companion. Then would come the wedding, its organization, the ceremony, and finally the exchange of alliances.
Jewelry therefore holds a major place in these defining moments of a life: They play the role of symbols in the eyes of others, but also in the eyes of the couple. How should these jewelry be purchased? One after the other, or both together? Discover the advantages and disadvantages of each of these choices.
Why choose an engagement ring and wedding ring set?
The simultaneous purchase of the engagement ring and the wedding rings will most of the time be a purchase that will be done as a couple. The approach will therefore be particular. It is no longer just a question of the spouse buying a ring in secret, but of a decision that will be taken together.
Buying an engagement ring and wedding ring set leaves the possibility of choosing matching models. This is a wish expressed by some women who appreciate being able to wear their engagement ring and wedding ring together. In addition, this makes it possible to choose jewels with the same characteristics, in particular with regard to their alloy (for example jewels certified Swarovski ). Indeed, while they may appear the same when they are new, not all metals age in the same way.
Finally, although put aside as much as possible when talking about these romantic traditions, the question of the budget remains a determining factor when purchasing. Acquiring your engagement ring and wedding ring from the same jeweler allows you to take advantage of promotional offers to buy them cheaper.

Why buy the engagement ring and wedding rings separately?
Those who oppose a simultaneous purchase of the engagement ring and wedding rings refer in particular to the special moment each of these events is supposed to represent. Buying wedding rings even before getting engaged can lead to skipping certain stages, and to planning too quickly into the wedding before having even been able to savor the moments of joy that the engagement brings.
In addition, one can be attached to traditions and wish that the engagement ring be chosen and bought by the groom for his beloved, and thus preserve all the surprise effect of a marriage proposal. Alliances are acquired later. Choosing them is more a couple’s affair. You could say that the ring is primarily intended to please one of the spouses, while alliances should please the couple.
Finally, the selection criteria for an engagement ring and an alliance are not the same. If the wedding ring symbolizes union and is predestined to be worn for years, or even decades, it therefore gains by releasing a form of sobriety making it timeless and compatible with the fashions of all eras. On the other hand, the engagement ring could be out of the ordinary and be an atypical jewel.
Maintain your alliance to make it last :
The alliance is a symbol of the long term, it must therefore last over time. If noble metals like platinum, gold, and silver are particularly resistant to time and shocks, a wedding ring still requires a minimum of maintenance to keep all its splendor. It is advisable to maintain it by washing it from time to time with soap and clear water. After several years, it will be good to entrust it to a jeweler for a professional interview which will give it a second youth.