On the occasion of the prior building inspection consultation of this document, the Official College of Surveyors, Technical Architects and Engineers has already expressed its desire that the scope of the subsidies currently granted by the Government both for the realization of building inspection as for the rehabilitation of buildings.
inspections newcastle stated that the problem was not so much the amount of aid as it was access to it. inspections newcastle was referring to the fact that the documentation required to access the aid is very difficult and that all the information does not reach the ordinary citizen, who does not even know that he meets the requirements to apply for it.
At the national level, and as the building is the competence of the autonomous communities, the central government plans to go further in guaranteeing the quality of residential use of real estate.

“It’s about making a diagnosis with the autonomous communities and with the municipalities to see where building inspections newcastle can get there. The ultimate goal is to raise the minimum quality of housing, “they explain from the Ministry of Development.
How is the residential building inspection?
There is currently no census of homes that fail to meet the minimum conditions of hygiene and specific habitability, although homes with accessibility and conservation problems can be consulted in the latest “Analysis of the characteristics of residential building” of the Ministry of Promotion.
According to this document, in 2011 there were 3.4 million homes with four floors or more and no elevator, and 1.8 million homes whose conservation status was dilapidated, bad or deficient, which represented 13.5% and 7% of the family park, respectively.
There are also regional data in this building inspection report. For example, it is established that is the second region, behind Extramural, which has the largest number of single-family homes built before 1940: up to 8% of the total of its real estate park, a percentage that however, it is reduced to 2% in the case of older multi-family dwellings.

But aside from this data, this autonomous community is not one of those with a worse state of conservation in its residential inspection. For example, only 5.4% of the buildings destined for housing consist of four or more floors without a lift (Country lead this ranking with more than 20%); and only 7% are in a dilapidated, poorly deficient state (in this building inspection case it is who record the highest percentages).